The Sundarbans is the largest and beautiful mangrove forest in the world. It located mostly in Bangladesh, a small part of it situated in India. The Bangladeshi part of the forest is estimated to be about 81%, while the Indian part is 19%. To the south the jungle meets the Bay of Bengal. It is beautiful jangle or beautiful forest so it is called “Sundarban”. There are many trees but Sundari trees are found in Sundarbans in large numbers. This beautiful forest is the living place of Royal Bengal Tiger, birds, spotted deer, crocodiles and snakes. There is much more wildlife here. Fishing Cats, Macaques, wild boars, Common Grey Mongooses, Foxes, Jungle Cats, Flying Foxes, and Pangolins are also found in the Sundarbans.
The beautiful forest plays an important role in the national economy of Bangladesh. It is the single largest source of raw materials for wood based industries. In addition to traditional forest produce. The beautiful mangrove forest “Sunderbans” provides a wonderful aesthetic attraction for local and foreign tourists.